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Running is my sport and I love it

Running is just like walking…but a tad bit faster.

I was never the sporty kind of girl, I’m the exact opposite of that – lanky, clumsy, and lazy. But I remember back in grade school, I joined the track and field club in our school. It was an odd choice of sport even then but I’ve always loved it when I ran so fast I could barely feel my legs and lungs. Oh, and it’s amazing whenever I won in our school sports fests.

I stopped running for awhile, well, because of highschool, girls and boys, and friends. I started running again in college, it was my initial instinct whenever I was stressed or heartbroken even. It became a coping mechanism that none of my friends really understood. Now that I’m much much older, running is still the best therapy. I run when I’m sad, when I’m happy, when I’m stressed, I run just because.

Everyone can be a runner

For the past couple of years, running became a lot more competitive because I started joining races. The goal has changed from running as stress therapy to earning a medal from a certain race distance. I’ve done several 10K over the years and one 21K only last June. I’m doing a 16K this November. I’m not a fast runner though, my goal has always been to cover the distance and finish within a reasonable time.

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First ever half-marry! Here with my cousin who’s a pro at this.
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Run for the kids.
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Nike Women’s Run in Manila

So, to running, thank you for being there when I need to destress, think and unplug. It is only when I’m doing my runs when I’m away from my Macbook and iPhone and I am always grateful for that quality time. Thank you for making my heart so strong I know I can overcome anything and for making my legs so resilient that I know I can go places and not get tired. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to my sanity. 

To everyone out there, try going out for a jog or a run every once in a while. It can work miracles for your life.

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